We train athletes and professionals to help them reach their full potential with specific strength & conditioning training, nutrition plans, recovery tactics and day-to-day coaching.

Kaya Gezgin
Strength & Conditioning Trainer
EXOS Performance Specialist (XPS)
NSCA Certified
Performance Trainer AH&BC Amsterdam Field Hockey Club:
2024 Winner Euro Hockey League (EHL) Women
2023 National Champion Hoofdklasse Women
2020 National Indoor Champion Men
2019 Gold Cup Men
2018 National Indoor Champion Men
2014 Gold EuroHockey Club Champions Cup (ECCC) Women
2013 National Champion Hoofdklasse Women
2013 Bronze European Hockey League (EHL) Men
2012 Silver European Hockey League (EHL) Men
2012 National Champion Hoofdklasse Men
More trainer achievements:
2016 2x European Champion Karate (IBF)
3x Bronze Medal European Championship Karate (IBF)
Ellen hoog
For the past few years Kaya has been Ellen’s strength & conditioning trainer. Some of their favourite workouts have been featured in her new book ‘In perfecte conditie’.
“Bedankt Kaya voor jouw enorme inspanning voor dit boek. Ik heb je soms vervloekt vanwege de helse trainingen die ik heb moeten doorstaan, maar de resultaten maken erg veel goed. Jouw liefde voor de sport werkt aanstekelijk.”
– Ellen

The training plan we create for athletes and professionals is based on the physiological needs of their sports or job. We analyze their athletic or job profile and implement sports specific and functional exercises into their training. Considering the competition or work schedule we plan the training intensity and volume by using the periodization method. Every training session is focused on pro performance in a match, race or at work. Whether you are a football striker working on your explosiveness on the pitch or a runner who wants to beat the clock, our trainers make sure you get the results you want.

Athletes and professionals push their bodies to the limits. We fuel your performance with a customized nutrition plan to make sure your body gets the right nutrients and amount at the right time. Nutrient timing is key. We also advise you on healthy and clean supplements if needed to enhance your performance.

To achieve extraordinary results, all circumstances surrounding the athlete or professional have to be right. Physically, as well as mentally. An integral part of Pro Performance Training is helping you to stay focused and motivated. We keep close tabs on you throughout the whole season or year with daily communication and we collaborate closely with club coaches and team trainers. In many cases we accompany our athletes at their matches, races or training camps in The Netherlands or abroad.

Corporate Power
We operate the in-house Flow Traders GYM in Amsterdam and power the performance of their employees with sports, (online) training and an in-house nutrition concept. We train and create company sports teams and participate in (virtual) sports events. With periodic health checks we monitor their progress.

Gym Concepts
We work in collaboration with the client, architects and developers to create state-of-the-art multifunctional training facilities. We’ve designed and built company gyms, sports club gyms, home gyms and outdoor gyms. Starting with the clients requirements and desires we use our knowledge and experience to turn a concept into a gym.

Online Services
We power your performance wherever you are. With online training sessions, nutrition advice and recovery tactics we make sure you stay healthy and focused, no matter the circumstances. We also work online with companies to support their work from home employees.

Many of our clients are professional athletes. Therefore, we are used to periodization and competition deadlines. WITNESS THE FITNESS trainers are the ultimate companion if you are preparing for a match, race or season in a training camp.
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